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Free Collapsible Water Bottle

"Your body wants you to stay healthy and hydrated, but Mother Earth needs you to stop buying so many plastic water bottles. What a conundrum. With today’s deal, solve the riddle once and for all. Receive one reusable, collapsible water bottle for only $5 from WaterBottle.bz ($10 value). Want to get one for everyone in the family? Pay only $14 and receive four reusable water bottles ($40 value). The collapsible water bottles are lightweight, flexible and eco-friendly. They are perfect for the person on the go as they fit anywhere including a pocket, cup holder or backpack. These lightweight portable water bottles make it easy to drink water throughout the day. Throw the bottle in your purse, briefcase or pocket and refill it as many times as you need to. The water bottle expands when filled with water. Unlike regular plastic bottles that you buy at the store, these bottles are free from dangerous chemicals like BPA, a harmful ingredient present in most plastic bottles. These bottles are dishwasher safe and easy to clean. Your body and mother earth will thank you."

Sign up for SaveMore to get the $10 credit and then click Free Collapsible Water Bottle to add to your shopping cart. The deal costs $5, so it’s free with the credit, plus Free shipping. If you don't see the offer, look in the right sidebar under "More Great Deals."

FYI: USA. Even though this item is Free, they do require a credit card, to stop fraudulent and multiple accounts. "Expires March 1, 2012. Free shipping included. Voucher will be available for redemption on 9/1, at 12pm CST. Redeem online at WaterBottle.bz. Limit one per person."

What do I have to provide:

Zip code
Confirm password

After registration form was sent: "You will receive an email confirming your order within a few minutes."

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