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Free Breakfast Entrée at Chick-fil-A (September 6 – 10)

Don't forget that today, 8/29/11, youcan start making online reservation for the Free Breakfast Entrée at Chick-fil-A on September 6 – 10.

"From September 6 – 10, 2011, participating Chick-fil-A® restaurants are giving away a variety of Free Breakfast Entrées to customers who make a reservation online.

To make your reservation, visit the Chick-Fil-A website beginning Monday, August 29, 2011 and choose your preferred Chick-fil-A restaurant, the date, time and breakfast entrée."


What do I have to provide:

Confirm e-mail
Your preferred Chick-fil-A restaurant
Date and time of breakfast
Breakfast entrée
Two opt boxes
13 or older box

After registration form was sent: "A message has been sent to your email with instructions on how to open and print your personal Invitation to try our Bacon, Egg & Cheese Biscuit for FREE."

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