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Showing posts with label Kindle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kindle. Show all posts

Free 3 Months of Kindle Unlimited Reading

* Freebie Fanatics may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you via trusted partners and affiliate links in our post. See our full disclosure policy for further information. See our full disclosure policy for further information. *

Your Adventure Begins: 3 Months of Kindle Unlimited Reading for Free

Hey, book lovers! Ever dreamt of a magic key? A key to a world brimming with stories? Well, it’s here!

Kindle Unlimited. It’s opening its treasure trove. And the price? Absolutely free for three months!

Free 3 Months of Kindle Unlimited Reading

Picture this. You’re in your favorite reading spot. Kindle, computer or phone in hand. A soft glow. You open a book. Suddenly, you’re in a new world. You’re not just reading. You’re living.

Free President Barack Obama: The Kindle Singles Interview

Amazon.com has announced "The Kindle Singles Interview" with President Barack Obama. This exclusive in-depth interview with the President is about the economy and the increasing need for government programs that he believes can make a difference.

Free 50 Ways to Protect Your Identity in a Digital Age eBook/Kindle Book

"It is better to stop identity theft from happening in the first place than have to fix or repair the situation afterwards. Steve Weisman reveals the threats of new identity theft attacks based on use of Facebook, iPad, iPhone, Android, cloud apps, iPod, and other new technologies -- and shows you how to protect yourself, or how to fix the damage if you've already been attacked! Discover why ID theft is more dangerous than ever, and discover today's most dangerous new threats -- including attacks targeting medical records, personal finance and online banking sites, the elderly, and military service members.

Free Twas the Night Before Christmas eBook (Kindle Book)

"Beloved illustrator Jan Brett's version of The Night Before Christmas lets these two mischievous elves add their rambunctious spirit to this familiar 1823 rhyming story."