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Showing posts with label Autographs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Autographs. Show all posts

Free Autographed Book Plates & Bookmarks from Brandilyn Collins

From Brandilyn Collins: "Want to receive bookmarks and/or bookplates for my suspense titles? Just e-mail my assistant with your request and street address. Please be very specific. Exactly which bookmark(s) do you want, and how many of each? How many bookplates do you need? Due to the volume of requests we receive, we won't be able to fulfill nonspecific requests.""

Free Steve Berry Signed Bookplates

"New York Times bestselling author Steve Berry's newest book, The Columbus Affair, was released on May 15. He offers signed bookplates each year when his book comes out for those who are unable to attend one of his book signings in person. The online signing for The Columbus Affair is now happening and will continue until June 14th."

Free Sarah McCoy Signed Bookplate

"I have bookplates! I’ve actually had them for quite some time and have sent off a few dozen but forgot to make the public announcement. If you do not live in El Paso, which is a greater majority, feel free to email me your mailing address, and I’ll pay for the postage and whatnot to ship you a Signed Bookplate for your copy of The Baker’s Daughter and/or The Time It Snowed In Puerto Rico."

Free Kimberly Pauley Autographed Bookplate

"What the heck is a bookplate, you ask? It’s a sticker that is signed by the author that you can stick in your book."

Free Krista Holle Bookmark and Bookplates

Krista Holle is offering a FREE bookmark and a FREE autographed bookplate for the book The Lure of Shapinsay.

Free "A Dog's Purpose" Autographed Bookplate

Listed on A Dog's Purpose Facebook Page:

"To get a FREE, authentic, hand autographed bookplate from the author to put in copies of A Dog's Purpose you are giving to your loved ones this Christmas, all you have to do is send an email to adogspurpose@gmail.com. Tell us your name, mailing address and how many bookplates you need. There is no limit, and we trust out readers to only ask for as many bookplates as you can use for gift copies of A Dog's Purpose. There is no cost to you, it's our gift to our readers to thank them for helping to spread the message of A Dog's Purpose: Our best friends deserve the greatest love and care, and that the love we share never dies, and we will meet again. Emails must be received by Midnight Sunday December 11th."

Free A.P. Stevens Autographed Art or Book Cover

"What sort of autograph would it be? I will send to you, via post office, a 3×5 inch photograph of either an original piece of art or the cover of one of The White Shadow Saga novels. It will be printed onto photograph paper (glossy) and I will sign it with a marker. Then I will send it to you FREE OF CHARGE."

Free M.J. Rose Signed Bookplate

"M.J. Rose, is the international bestselling author of 11 novels;Lip Service, In Fidelity, Flesh Tones, Sheet Music, Lying in Bed, The Halo Effect, The Delilah Complex, The Venus Fix,The Reincarnationist, The Memorist and The Hypnotist.

Rose is also the co-author with Angela Adair Hoy of How to Publish and Promote Online, and with Doug Clegg of Buzz Your Book."

Free Immortal Brotherhood Romance Trading Card Set (SASE)

"When someone asked on Twitter why there were sports hero trading cards but not romance hero trading cards, a bunch of authors (including me) responded with “There should be.” Fans agreed, and we all got busy, and RTC’s made their first public appearance at the RT Booklovers Convention in April 2011, just six weeks after that first innocent question, with hundreds of authors on board.

Free Autographed Bookplates from Lis Wiehl and Jodi Moore

Get Free Autographed Bookplates from Lis Wiehl and Jodi Moore.

Free Lis Wiehl Autographed Bookplate - We’ve had lots of interest from folks who wanted to request a signed copy of one of Lis’ books, and so we’re happy to offer free signed bookplates (limit 2 per person, please!) that you can stick in your books!

Free Claire Thompson Signed Bookplate

"Signed Bookplate! If you'd like me to mail you a signed bookplate to put in one of your Claire Thompson paperbacks, email Claire! (available in red & blue)"

The free Claire Thompson Signed Bookplate is located at the bottom of her website. You can use her contact form to request your free bookplate.


What do I have to provide:


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Free Charlotte Featherstone Signed Bookplate

"Charlotte is a historical romance writer who pens sexy and sensual tales packed with lots of emotion. Her books are available in both print and e-book formats and are published via the Harlequin Spice imprint as well as Harlequin HQN."

At the bottom of her website you will find the following information to request your free Charlotte Featherstone Signed Bookplate:

"You can send me your book after contacting me at charlotte@charlottefeatherstone.net, or you can email and request a signed bookplate. I will be sending out bookplates once a month."


What do I have to provide:


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Free Celebrity Photos

Free Celebrity Photos from Celebrity Merchandise.

Photos include: Vince Vaughn, Richard Gere, Rebecca Romijn, Laura San Giacomo, Kyra Sedgwick, Charlie Sheen and more.

Visit celebritymerch.com to learn more and to request your Free Celebrity Photos.

** Thank you Megan **

FYI: USA. "Some requests could take 8-10 weeks for delivery depending on availability."

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After registration form was sent: "Thanks for your order! For those of you who only ordered a Free Photo, don't worry, you will NOT BE CHARGED! It's really Free!"

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Free Beth Kery Explosive Bookmark and Autographed Bookplate

"Free Explosive Bookmark and Bookplate upon request."

From Beth Kery: "Write me with your snail mail addy at bethkery@aol.com, and I’ll send you a free bookmark and autographed bookplate for my December 7, 2010 release of Explosive, from Berkley Heat."


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FREE Gretchen Rubin Signed Bookplate

"Gretchen Rubin is a best-selling writer whose new book, The Happiness Project, is an account of the year she spent test-driving studies and theories about how to be happier."

As per her website: "I should have thought of this sooner, but if you'd like a personalized, signed bookplate to put in the book, just email me the name of the recipient and the address to which I should mail the bookplate, and I'll send it right off. My email is grubin [at] gretchenrubin [.com]"

FREE Gretchen Rubin Signed Bookplate

** Thank you Heather **

FYI: USA, not sure if they will be sent outside of the USA but it doesn't hurt to ask.

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FREE Muffins and Mayhem Autographed Bookplate

"You can order a copy of my book from one of the booksellers above, or visit your local bookstore. Thank you so much for purchasing my book. I sure do appreciate it, and I’d love to send you a free autographed bookplate and bookmark as a thank you. If you'd like a bookplate for your copy of Muffins and Mayhem, or if you’re ordering my book for a friend, tell me their name and I’ll be happy to add a personal note or write a Happy Birthday or holiday note, for their copy, too."

FREE Muffins and Mayhem Autographed Bookplate


What do I have to provide:

Number of bookplates
What's the occasion and who is it for?

After registration form was sent: "Thank you for requesting a free a free autographed bookplate for yourself or a friend. As a special thank you, I’d like to share with you my Whoops! Banana Bread Recipe."

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