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Showing posts with label Candy/Gum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candy/Gum. Show all posts

Gimbal’s Gourmet Jelly Beans Sample

Quote From Site: "It's true! We're giving away free Jellybeans! Does everything need to have a catch?!?

Just fill out the form below and we’ll send you a free and delectable sampling of Gimbal’s Gourmet Jelly Beans! With exceptional varieties including Tiramisu, Strawberry Daiquiri, Lemon Meringue, and Red Delicious, each jelly bean bursts with an intense flavor that you can’t resist.

You’ll be shocked at how much these jelly beans taste like the real thing! The Roasted Marshmallow jelly bean will have you thinking camping and s’mores. Feeling stressed? The Blue Hawaiian jelly bean will whisk you away from daily stresses to an exotic beachside escape. We will warn you though, one pack wont be enough! So keep our website handy… once you’ve tasted the sheer deliciousness of Gimbal’s Gourmet Jelly Beans you’ll be hooked!"

Gimbal’s Gourmet Jelly Beans Sample

FYI: USA and Canada

What do I have to provide:


After registration form was sent: "Thank you for your interest in Candy Direct! Your free jellybeans will ship in the next business day via USPS First Class Mail and should arrive within 7-10 days. Please, feel free to browse our store in the meantime to familiarize yourself with our other products. "

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Extra Eruit Sensations Gum

FREE Extra Fruit Sensations Gum. This one is a text from your cell phone.

"Text EXTRA to 467467 to get a sweet package of all four new Fruit Sensations flavors"

This offer was found in Cosmo girl.

Big thank you to Colleen for the heads up on this one.

FYI: Valid 07/01/08 thru 07/31/08. USA

What do I have to provide:


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Stride Gum

Quote From Site: "Congratulations, your case has been reviewed and deemed worthy of a settlement of 1 pack of gum. Just fill out the information below and we’ll send it over to you."

Choice of:

Sweet Berry
Sweet Cinnamon
Always Mandarin ™

Stride Gum

FYI: "Offer valid while supplies last. Please allow 4 - 6 weeks for delivery. Available to U.S. residents only. Limit one full pack of gum per household. P.O boxes not accepted. You must be 13 or older to receive this free pack of gum. Cadbury Adams reserves the right to terminate this offer for any reason at any time."

What do I have to provide:

Date of birth
Opt in box
Select flavor

After registration form was sent: You've completed your settlement and done your part to help us out. Enjoy your gum and feel free to browse around the rest of the site, if you want.

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Zellies Xylitol Samples for Kids

I believe this will be samples for mints and/or gum.

Quote From Site: "Zellies are sweetened with 100% Xylitol: The greatest value to dental health comes from eating 100% Xylitol. Do not be fooled by other “sugar free Xylitol gum” which may contain as little as 2% Xylitol. Zellies products bring you 100 % Xylitol."

Visit the Zellies website to learn more and to request your free Zellies samples.

Thanks Colleen.


What do I have to provide:

Two questions

After registration form was sent: Thank You! Your request has been submitted. To continue browsing our site, please select a link from the menu.

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Free sample of Ferrero dark chocolate

Quote From Site: "Enter the Sweet World of Dark Chocolate. Enter today to have a uniquely delectable dark chocolate encounter!"

Get your free sample of Ferrero dark chocolate today. You must hurry (see FYI). I'm a little confused with this one as the bottom of the page for this request states "Giveaway ends 11/30/2007" but official rules state different. Either way you have to HURRY.

What do I have to provide:

Short survey
Date of birth

FYI: Open only to legal U.S. residents who are 18 or older as of November 2, 2007. Commencing on November 2, 2007 at 9AM Eastern Time and continuing through December 12, 2007 at 11:59PM Eastern Time, the first 1,000 consumers to complete the iVillage chocolates survey will receive a free 1 ounce pack of Ferrero Rondnoir dark chocolates. Limit one pack per household member

After registration form was sent: Thank you for completing our survey. Ferrero will be supplying you with a 3-piece-pack of its new Ferrero Rondnoir™ dark chocolates shortly*. Did you know that each year the average American consumes 12 pounds of chocolate? So go ahead and indulge.

* First 1,000 entrants will receive samples.

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Get ready to chew away, maybe on your way to Walmart, with a free sample of Ice Breakers Sours gum.

Sugar-free ICE BREAKERS™ Sours Gum delivers delicious fruit refreshment. Three mouth-watering flavors create the perfect fruit-and-sour taste.

What do I have to provide:

E-mail (optional)
Birth date
Three (3) question survey

FYI: Samples are only available to consumers in the United States. Limit one sample per household. You must be over the age of 13 to submit personal information or request a sample

After registration form was sent: Thank you. Please allow up to four weeks for your free sample to arrive in your mailbox.

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