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Free Here Come The Mummies 8 from 5 Album Download

"Here Come The Mummies, planet earth's pre-eminent undead funk ambassadors, announce the 8 from 5 digital sampler - a completely free EP with 8 full-length MP3s. 8 from 5 compiles songs from all four of the boy's in bandages studio releases, Terrifying Funk from Beyond the Grave, Everlasting Party, Single Entendre, and 2010's Carnal Carnival - as well as audio tracks from the 2009 live DVD, Undead LIVE.

The Free Here Come The Mummies 8 from 5 Album Download Full tracklist includes:

* Carnal Carnival (from Carnal Carnival)
* Freak Flag (from Carnal Carnival)
* Chunky (from Carnal Carnival)
* Ra Ra (from Undead LIVE)
* Bump (from Undead LIVE)
* Pants (from Single Entendre)
* Dirty Minds (from Everlasting Party)
* Believe (from Terrifying Funk from Beyond the Grave)"


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