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Free $10 Walmart Gift Card (Active duty Marines)

"My name is Sherrie Wilcox and I am conducting my doctoral dissertation research under the direction of Dr. David DeJoy, in the Department of Health Promotion & Behavior in the University of Georgia. The study is entitled: Protective factors, mental health, and military personnel. I invite you to participate in this study if you are you an active duty member of the United States Marine Corps over the age of 18.

This research study is about gaining a better understanding of factors that influence the psychological well-being of military personnel. Benefits of participation include having a place to voice the factors that have influenced you, which may provide feelings of support. Qualified participants are active duty in the United States Marine Corps over the age of 18. I would like to ask you if you would like to participate in the study by completing a questionnaire that will take about 30 minutes of your time.

Pending additional funding, participants (Active duty Marines) will receive a $10 GIFT CARD for taking their time to complete a questionnaire."

If you fit the above requirements, take the survey to receive your Free $10 Walmart Gift Card

** Thanks Artie **

FYI: Active duty in the United States Marine Corps over the age of 18.

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