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Free Mr.AahH!! Android App

Enjoy one of the best addicting jump gameS WITH Tday's Free Android App, Mr.AahH!!

From Amazon.com: Who is Mr.AahH!!? Where is he going? Who is he running from? Where is he getting this endless supply of rope? None of these questions have answers, and it doesn't matter because the simple gameplay slowly begins to ramp up with different sized platforms, wind, and even modifications to the gravity that keep you playing even longer. Just when you start landing in the center of every platform for extra points, the game throws you a curve ball and you will need to adjust to still landing on the platforms with a strong headwind and maybe even low gravity. (Touch Arcade)

Find Over 7,000 FREE Android Apps From Amazon!

FYI: Free Today Only. Amazon Appstore is only available to customers located in the United States

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