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Free Make a Superhero App for Android Devices

The Free Android App for today (4/25) is Make a Superhero by Balkanboy Media (save $1.00).

"Doubting how to make a hero? Doubt no more, because this new “Make a Superhero” app is a ADS-FREE APP with which you can create a superhero the way you like him to be!

This can be kids’ app, but also an app that teenagers and adults will love too. There are a lot of different superheroes games in the world, but this one is unique. Here and now, everybody can design a superhero with big muscles, enormous strength, nice clothes and many other things. Another reason why this app is so great is that it can help you to find out how to be a superhero both in physical and mental way. You will get one excellent crime fighter."

** BE ADVISED: This app qualifies for FREE $1 MP3 Credit! Download this app and receive a $1 credit (After completion of your purchase, you will receive an email indicating that a $1 credit for Amazon MP3 has been applied automatically to your account). **

You will need to install Amazon Appstore on your mobile phone or tablet.

Find Over 7,000 FREE Android Apps From Amazon!

FYI: Free Today Only. Amazon Appstore is only available to customers located in the United States

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