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Free Magic Coral App For Android

Today's (10/12/12) Free Android App is Magic Coral by END Games Entertainment LLC (You Save: $.99).

"Swim your fish through the the coral filled ocean and gather magic coral to help free your fish friends in Magic Coral! Smash through obstacles with upgrades or swim as your favorite sea creature. Watch out for sharks, or other underwater hazards! How far can YOU swim?"

** BE ADVISED: This app qualifies for FREE $1 MP3 Credit! Download this app and receive a $1 credit (After completion of your purchase, you will receive an email indicating that a $1 credit for Amazon MP3 has been applied automatically to your account). **

You will need to install Amazon Appstore on your mobile phone or tablet.

Find Over 7,000 FREE Android Apps From Amazon!

FYI: Free Today Only. Amazon Appstore is only available to customers located in the United States

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