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Coupon: $0.50 off KIND Nuts & Spice Bar

UPDATE: We have a correction on this offer. The coupon is for $0.50 off KIND Nuts & Spice Bar. My apoloise for the error on this as I must have read the offer wrong. Thank you to Erin Schanke from KIND Healthy Snacks for clearing this up.

"Pledge to 'say no to secret ingredients' (like sugar alcohols and all those words you have to Google)."

The first 10,000 people who take the pledge will receive a coupon for $0.50 off KIND Nuts & Spice Bar to help get started on saying no to secret ingredients.


What do I have to provide:

Sign Up or Login to Facebook
Confirm E-mail

After registration form was sent: "Thank you for taking the pledge to 'say no to secret ingredients.' Watch your inbox to claim your coupon for a delicious new KIND Nuts & Spices bar."

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