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Free Xbox Live Plush Carrot Avatar Mascot

Enter your e-mail address and then answer the question to get your Free Xbox Live Plush Carrot Avatar Mascot.

Enter you e-mail address, answer one of the random questions below, and check the box that says "Gutschein anfordern". You have to Refresh the page (F5) until you get one of the questions below.

Find and answer either one of these questions:

Q. Welcher rosa Nintendo-Held feiert auf den Seiten 84 und 85 sein furioses Comeback für Nintendo Wii?

A. Kirby

Q. "Welche neue Konsole stellt COMPUTER BILD SPIELE auf Seite 110 vor?"

A. Nintendo 3DS

When you see one of the questions, type in the correct answer and then click the first box (Gutschein anfordern). Press the Code Request (Code anfordern) button and your Free Xbox Live Plush Carrot Avatar Mascot will be e-mailed to you.

You can see the Plush Carrot Avatar Mascot here:


You will receive an e-mail titled: COMPUTER BILD SPIELE-Aktion: Avatar-Karotte with the code (my e-mail came quickly).

** Thank you Xbox Kid **

FYI: Worldwide

What do I have to provide:

Code = KIRBY
Click the first box (Gutschein anfordern)

After registration form was sent: "Thank you for your inquiry!"

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