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Free Freeze Burn Software (download)

In cooperation with REOHIX (sponsor of this giveaway), Tipradar.com can offer 72 hours unlimited downloads for the FULL VERSION of Freeze Burn.

"Have you ever deleted a file that contained passwords, personal information, classified data, financial records, images or chatting logs? Well if you care about your privacy, you should know that unless you used a secure file deletion utility like Freeze Burn, any files you thought you have deleted are still present on your hard disk and/or external storage device.

Using file recovery software products, anyone can easily recover and extract sensitive information these files. Thanks to Freeze Burn's intuitive design and simple user interface, you can safely and easily wipe private data in just a matter of minutes. Freeze Burn incorporates a complex binary algorithm which overwrites the file data repeatedly, completely destroying all traces of the file’s contents, making it completely unrecoverable."

FYI: Worldwide. Valid for 72 hours.

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