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Free 7000-Year Bible Chronology DVD

"The Bible’s chronologies, time periods, and prophecies have been studied by people all around the world for hundreds of years. But present religious, economic, political, social, and environmental happenings are bringing all of those things into much sharper focus. It may not be in the news, but people everywhere sense that something huge is about to happen.

However, few people, including Bible believers, believe that Earth’s history is only about six thousand years old. And even fewer believe that God has guided human history–specifically the history of sin–precisely and will also bring that history to a close at a precise time. That necessitates belief in a God who is much more involved with human affairs and much more omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent than the human mind can fathom.

Timely Ministries is pleased to offer a complimentary copy of the 7000-Year Bible Chronology presentation on DVD, available now!"

FYI: Worldwide

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