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Free A Dog Named Slugger eBook [Kindle Edition]

Amazon is offering a FREE download of the eBook, A Dog Named Slugger by Leigh Brill.

About the A Dog Named Slugger eBook: "The true life story of a dog who changed everything for one woman. For the first time in my life, I didn't need to pretend, I didn't need to be tough: I only needed to be honest. "I have cerebral palsy. I walk funny and my balance is bad. I fall a lot. My hands shake, too. That means I'm not so good at carrying things. And if I drop stuff, sometimes it's hard to just bend down and get it." I waited anxiously for the interviewer's response. She smiled. "It sounds like a service dog could be great for you." So began Leigh Brill's journey toward independence and confidence, all thanks to a trained companion dog named Slugger. The struggling college student and the Labrador with a "a coat like sunshine" and a tail that never stopped wagging became an instant team. Together, they transformed a challenge into a triumph. Together, they inspired and educated everyone they met. Now, Leigh honors her friend with the story of their life, together. "

You can read the Free eBook on your Kindle device or you can download free programs to read on your computer or other mobile devices: PC, MAC, Android, BlackBerry, iPad or iPhone.

FYI: Limited time only.

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