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Freebie Fanatics is Moving

We have moved most of our postings to our Freebee Fanatics Facebook page and out Freebie Fanatics Twitter page. Click above to learn more....

50 Free RecycleBank Points

"Register for a free RecycleBank account now to begin earning RecycleBank Points. You can then redeem your points on RecycleBank.com for rewards you choose from our catalog of national and local rewards partners including discounts, gift cards and more.

In the next few months, we'll be offering lots of new ways to earn even more RecycleBank Points."

To earn your 50 Free RecycleBank Points:

In the below link - Replace "your@email.com" address with the email address that you used on your RecycleBank account and then copy and paste it into your browser.



What do I have to provide:

Replace above link with your e-mail address that you used for your RecycleBank account.


After registration form was sent: "Thank you for your input today! 50 RecycleBank Points will be deposited in your RecycleBank account once the survey period is over (in about two weeks)."

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