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Freebie Fanatics is Moving

We have moved most of our postings to our Freebee Fanatics Facebook page and out Freebie Fanatics Twitter page. Click above to learn more....

Free Chefs Requested Steak (coupon)

You have to become a fan (LIKE) of Chef’s Requested on Facebook and then post your picture of yourself with your favorite Chef’s Requested product on their Facebook wall. Fill out the form and you will you win a coupon for FREE Steak.

Form Chef’s Requested Foods: "Today is the day! Our Labor Day Weekend Contest has begun. Take a picture of yourself with your favorite Chef's Requested product and post it to our wall and then fill out the signup sheet (Comment section is your Facebook name) and you win a coupon for Free Steak! Only "G" rated photos."


What do I have to provide:

Sign up or Login to Facebbok
LIKE Chef’s Requested Foods on Facebook
Put your Facebook name in the comments box

After registration form was sent: "Thanks for submitting your picture."

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