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Freebie Fanatics is Moving

We have moved most of our postings to our Freebee Fanatics Facebook page and out Freebie Fanatics Twitter page. Click above to learn more....

Free Opinionated MAMA Bumper Sticker

"O-MAMA’s mission is to bring some common sense to our country's most important conversations.

We believe "opinionated moms" can be a constructive voice in sorting out the social and political issues of our time. O-MAMA is determined to change the tone of our nation's debates with a little humor and a lot of common sense. Together, America's moms can help our country tackle topics we can no longer avoid and teach our kids lessons we can no longer ignore...and remind the grown ups, too!"

Register and then you’ll get an email with a link to e-mail them to get your Free Opinionated MAMA Bumper Sticker


What do I have to provide:

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User agreement

After registration form was sent: "Welcome! As part of O-MAMA, you will have your own personalized home page you can check every day to see what other moms are talking about...or share your opinions and initiate your own conversations."

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