FREE Wellness Product Samples

Free Wellness product samples to people in the South London and Surrey region.

"Book your personal wellness evaluation which includes; body composition analysis, information and advice on nutrition, exercise and lifestyle, as well as help setting achievable goals.

Following your evaluation, your wellness coach will provide you with a tailored 12 week plan to help you achieve your goals and will also provide support, encouragement and advice every step of the way. You plan could help you to...

- Reduce body fat and manage your weight
- Increase lean muscle
- Improve your body shape
- Increase energy levels

Book your evaluation today to receive your FREE Wellness Product Samples wellness product samples and start your journey to feeling healthier!"

** Thank you Amy **

FYI: "Free samples can only be provided as part of a personal wellness evaluation which will be performed in your home or a wellness coach's home. There is no obligation to purchase products. Evaluations are currently only available in the South London and Surrey regions."

What do I have to provide:


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1 comment:

Alexis said...

Really useful blog.Good work keeping this updated! Acupressure Mat Thanks a lot!