FREE iPhone / iPod Touch Kids Game - "ABC Phonics Word Families Game"

"ABC Phonics Word Families Game" in collaboration with

"Kids learn to read early by using Word Families (as known as Analogy Phonics) by finding commonality (i.e. short a sounds or long e sounds) among a set of words - Educators use these word families to teach early readers to see and hear the patterns of these words. Featuring over 635+ VOCABULARY WORDS, reinforced through fun interactive games.

"ABC Phonics Word Families Game" FIVE LEARNING MODULES
1. WORD FAMILIES - Review the words in each of their respective word families. This reinforces the commonality with the word's sound, spelling, and constructs.

2. FLASHCARDS - SEE the spelling, HEAR the audio, and LEARN the word.

3. DRAG & SPELL - HEAR the audio, then SPELL the word. Teaches fine motor skills to DRAG the letter into the right spot to teach spelling of the words.

4. UNSCRAMBLE - Test reinforced learning to see if your child comprehend the lessons from the top three modules.

5. PRIZE AWARD - Encourages and rewards your child and makes learning fun. After completing each level in the Unscramble, your kids can go to the Prizeland to play and with the prizes. The more levels they complete, the more prizes they will unlock."

The free downloads on are usually only available for a day or so.


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