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Free MTV Music Downloads

"Want to refresh your playlist without spending a dime? Well, you're in luck because MTV.com has lots of free music downloads just for you. Yes, you heard us right, you can get free music downloads right here! They'll cost you nothing, nada, zip, zero! And you can download as many as you want. Think it sounds too good to be true? It's not!

Oh, and we're not going to just shove off some stale songs from the 1970s or crap nobody wants to listen to in order to look like we're doing you a favor. No, we've got all the hottest downloads from your favorite artists. From pop star powerhouses..."

La Roux "Tigerlily"

Priscilla Renea "Dollhouse"

The Temper Trap "Sweet Disposition (Alan Wilkis Remix)"

P.O.S. "Never Better"

Theft "Breathing Underwater"


What do I have to provide:

Just click and download

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besucher said...

Download available for US residents only.

Faith said...

Hi besucher, I don't see where it states US residents only. All you have to do is click on song and download. Let me know if I'm wrong. Thanks

besucher said...

Dear Sammie, I think this system is based on the IP-address. I tried to click on the song but a warning message has been popped up: "These downloads are not available to users outside the United States." I'm from Hungary, Europe, by the way.

Faith said...

Hi besucher, a big thank you for helping me, I appreciate it. I have switched the post to US only and I'm sorry you couldn't get the download. Will try to post more freebies outside US and Canada.