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Free Globetrotting Magazine Subscription

"As a subscriber to Globetrotting magazine you are a traveller interested in visiting and experiencing exciting and exotic long haul destinations. To help encourage you to keep travelling (and with Goway) we now offer the following exclusive benefits:

1. Two editions each year of Globetrotting magazine mailed to your home address and/or emailed to your email address)

2. Goway's 2% past traveller discount on land product featured in Goway's signature brochures even if you have not travelled with Goway before.

3. Exclusive offers on specified travel ideas featured in future Globetrotting magazines

4. Eligibility to win, twice a year, $250 Goway travel vouchers in magazine contests.

5. Airfare Guarantee. Subscribers can book and pay for airfares with Goway with the guarantee that should the airfare be reduced, you will receive the price difference (up to a maximum of $200) in Goway Travel vouchers. The vouchers will be for purchase of travel ideas from our signature brochures. To be eligible, the reduced airfare must match the exact date, time, and specific class of service of the original purchase.

6. Exclusive toll free phone contact and extension, ensuring subscribers receive special attention. Call 1 877 469 2916 and quote your identification e.g. Globe1234 as featured on your magazine's mailing label.

7. Exclusive email contact address, again to ensure special attention and support. Email perks@goglobetrotting.com and quote your identification e.g. Globe1234 as featured on your magazine's mailing label.

8. For subscribers travelling in Australia and New Zealand, an exclusive toll free support line.

9. Monthly Go Globetrotting Ezine.

10. Book Insurance and Save on your airfare. As a Globetrotter subscriber, when you purchase your travel insurance from Goway, you will receive a discount of $20 on your airfare."

Free Globetrotting magazine subscription

FYI: Worldwide

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