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Free $10 Caller ID Faker Card

"Special Holiday Gift from Dailysteals.com!

$10 Caller ID Faker Calling Card 100% FREE. That's right guys you heard right, All you have to do is click on the button that says "Get It Free" that will take you to the checkout page. Make sure your all your information entered is valid to assure you receive your Phone Card Via Email."

< -- As of this post, there is only 2 hours and 40 minutes left to request your Free $10 Caller ID Faker Card -->

FYI: USA. Limit one per household.

What do I have to provide:


After registration form was sent: "Thank you for your order. We will be emailing you the information you need to start using CallerIdFaker within 24 hours. You will receive all necessary information via email. No need to watch for the mail carrier :-)"

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