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Free $40 800-Flowers Savings Pass

sign up for Fresh Rewards Points. Make sure you check the Fresh Rewards box at the bottom of the sign up form.

After signing up scroll down to "ADD A GIFT REMINDER" (you can find this in the My Account link top of website) and enter a birthday or anniversary reminder. After entering the reminder, go back to "My Account" and enter 9 more reminders.

You will see that the 400 points should be in your account within a day or so. You will receive the $40 800-Flowers Savings Pass in December once you’ve earned those points.

Free $40 800-Flowers Savings Pass

FYI: Worldwide. "It pays to be organized! Now through 11/30/09, earn 40 Fresh Rewards® points for each reminder you add. (up to 400 points - a $40 Fresh Rewards Pass)."

What do I have to provide:

Confirm password
E-mail promotions opt in box
Fresh Rewards box

After registration form was sent: "Congratulations! You successfully created your account."

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