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Freebie Fanatics is Moving

We have moved most of our postings to our Freebee Fanatics Facebook page and out Freebie Fanatics Twitter page. Click above to learn more....

Free $10 Restaurant.com Gift Certificates (starts November 26, 2009 at 12:00am)

"As Thanksgiving approaches, I wanted to inform you about an exciting new initiative that Restaurant.com is launching today called “Feed It Forward.” We are providing the opportunity for people nationwide to give away $30 million worth of $10 Restaurant.com gift certificates—for free. Through www.Restaurant.com/FeedItForward, the entire country—and you—will have the opportunity, every day for 30 days, to enrich the lives and satisfy the palates of people near and far.

The site will be live from November 26th through Christmas Day and everyone can give free $10 gift certificates to up to three different people per day during the length of the program. You will be able to post a note for each person that explains why you are giving the gift.

Follow the promotion on Facebook here: Free $10 Restaurant.com Gift Certificates.

On November 26, 2009 at 12:00am visit www.Restaurant.com/FeedItForward"


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