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Free Trollsen Twins stickers

Dress Up The Trollsen Twins!

"Some say that Hairy-Kate and Trashley are guilty of offending their fans with some major fashion boo-boos, but here at peta2, we think that's the understatement of the year! The twins' heartless decision to wear fur and include it in their new fashion line, The Row (more like "Death Row"), is worse than a fashion no-no—it's cruelty to animals. The Trollsens have ignored our pleas to stop wearing fur—and have since added horribly ugly fur items to their new clothing line. It's obvious that we need your help to convince them that wearing fur is wrong and hideous!"

Visit peta2.com to learn more and to request your free Trollsen Twins stickers

FYI: Worldwide

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13 years old box
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After registration form was sent: "Thank you! Your request will be processed in four to six weeks."

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1 comment:

Tatyana said...

We're unable to ship this item to your address. - That's what I got. So it's not worldwide!