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Farmers Market Cookbook

"While pumpkin is traditionally associated with pumpkin pie, it is also a favorite of chefs worldwide in a variety of dishes. As culinary ingredients, Farmer’s Market Organic Pumpkin, Pumpkin Pie Mix, Sweet Potato Puree, and Butternut Squash are the star attractions in dishes ranging from soups and casseroles to dips and even pancakes.

With these ready-to-use purees, you will find it easier to incorporate the
exceptional nutrition and rich taste of pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and
butternut squash. So, read, cook, and enjoy the gourmet taste and
good health of Farmer’s Market organic purees!"

Visit the Farmer's Market Foods website where you can download or order a hard copy of the Farmers Market Cookbook

This is an e-mail freebie if you order the hard copy of the Farmers Market Cookbook.

FYI: USA for the hardcopy and worldwide for the download.

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