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Free Fast Food Calorie Counter App for Android

Today's (4/29/11) Free Android App is Fast Food Calorie Counter by Concrete Software, Inc. (You Save: $2.99).

"Counting calories? Love fries? With this app, you'll be able to compare the calories in a small serving against a large one and a whole lot more. Calories, fat grams, carbs and fiber content are available for more than 9,000 menu items in 75 restaurants.

"Fast Food Calorie Counter is the app for you. Take this app with you on your Android device and dine out with confidence. Keep track of your eating habits and always be aware of your caloric intake, even if you have to eat on the run."

You will need to install Amazon Appstore on your mobile phone or tablet.

FYI: Free Today 4/29/11 Only. Amazon Appstore is only available to customers located in the United States

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1 comment:

Calorie Counter App said...

I don't understand the science behind that process either. I believe that we lose best when we watch the calories and that we don't add calories back in because of exercise. 1200 is a good round number and should get you some loss every month. I wish you the best.