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Beyonce Heat Rush Deluxe Sample at Macys (1/15/10)

From the February issue of Seventeen Magazine, page 116:

Beginning January 15, 2011, bring in the cover of the February 2011 issue of Seventeen OR a printout of the seventeen.com homepage OR your iPad with the Seventeen 2011 issue app to any Macy's store to receive your free gift, a deluxe sample of Beyonce Heat Rush Eau de Toilette.

FYI: "Ten thousand (10,000) gifts will be given away. One per person. Giveaway ends February 15, 2011 OR while supplies last. Once supplies are distributed there will be no substitute product given away. Must be female, between the ages of 13 and 29."

What do I have to provide:

Cover of the February 2011 issue of Seventeen OR
Printout of the seventeen.com homepage OR
Your iPad with the Seventeen 2011 issue app
Visit Macy's store

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1 comment:

Tupbebek said...

Thanks a lot!!!!
Soo good page..
NIce post