Free Feel Your Boobies Sticker

"Feel Your Boobies® was founded in 2004 after our Founder, Leigh Hurst, was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 33. She found her lump simply by “feeling her boobies”, not through a formal self-breast exam. What originally started as a few fun t-shirts she designed to remind her friends to “feel their boobies” has evolved into non-profit Foundation and international campaign focused on spreading this life saving message to young women using unexpected and unconventional methods.

Why use unexpected and unconventional methods? Well, based on Leigh’s experience, many young women tune out messages about breast cancer because they don’t believe they are at risk or the messages are too clinical. Here at Boobies Central, we know that research shows that simply “feeling your boobies” (aka “breast awareness) is just as effective at identifying lumps or other breast changes as the traditional step-by-step process of “breast self-exams”. And that’s exactly why we’re here -- to give you “a friendly reminder when you least expect it”. So get feeling girls, and remind a friend to do the same.

The free sticker you're about to receive is compliments of the Feel Your Boobies Foundation as part of our 3rd Annual National Feel Your Boobies Week promotion."

Free Feel Your Boobies Sticker


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