That's Caring tote bag

Enter your email in the top right box where it states "Join our email list for special offers and product updates". After registering, check your email. You will receive a message that states:

"Welcome to That's Caring. We are happy to have you as a member of our community. To show our appreciation for signing up for our e-mail list and to be part of our community we will be sending you a one a kind That's Caring tote bag. Please reply to this e- mail with your name and address with where you would like your tote bag to be sent."

** Thanks Colleen **


What do I have to provide:


After registration form was sent: "Welcome to That's Caring. We are happy to have you as a member of our community. To show our appreciation for signing up for our e-mail list and to be part of our community we will be sending you a one a kind That's Caring tote bag. Please reply to this e- mail with your name and address with where you would like your tote bag to be sent."

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Anonymous said...

They are no longer doing the email--as usual--because freebie fanatics overwhelmed their system. I get that email a lot.

Faith said...

Thanks Unintended. Are you sure for I requested mine last night and received my confirmation e-mail.

As you stated, the Freebie Fanatics might have exhausted the offer quick.

Jamie Pritscher said...

To support the reduction of plastic bag usage, we recently offered free eco-friendly tote bags to you. With an unexpected and overwhelming response, our website crashed temporarily. The good news is we learned that you really care about the environment too. The difficult news is that we are only able to accommodate the first 2,965 people who responded to this offer (cut off reply to address inquiry e-mail was 3pm CST on Monday April 27th, 2009. We will be contacting the first 2,965 people in the next few days and they will receive their tote bag in 3-6 weeks). This is nearly 19 percent more than we originally planned on giving away. We apologize for any inconvenience.

But don’t stop reading now. To ensure your ongoing support, That’s Caring is offering you a 10 percent discount on any order you place now through May 10th. Simply enter code ICARE2 when placing your online order.